Students attending Sacred Heart have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of learning and extra-curricular activities. We have outstanding facilities that cater for all students. Content and skills are taught based on the Australian Curriculum. Students access Art, Technology, Music, Health and Physical Education lessons each week which is provided by specialist teaching staff. Within classrooms, students have access to technology to further enhance the learning opportunities that are offered to improve student learning outcomes.
We offer a range of incursions and excursions with camps scheduled on a yearly basis for our Grade 3 to Grade 6 classes. Book Week performances, internal concerts and swimming lessons are also provided internally.
Kindergarten to Grade 2 classes have one lesson a week with our Specialist Music teacher. Children in Grade 3 to 6 who are interested may participate in our school choir.
Prep to Grade 6 classes participate in one 90 minute lesson a fortnight with our Specialist Art teacher. During these classes students enjoy exploring and using a range of materials to create their own artwork.
Our students have access to iPads and MacBooks. Each early childhood classroom has 10 iPads to use. Grade 3 – 6 use 1-1 iPads. Grade 5/6s also have MacBooks to use in their classrooms. Our focus is on developing student’s digital literacy skills to prepare them for 21st century living, providing them with the critical skills to be an active citizen of society.
Grade 3 to Grade 6 classes participate in Technology lessons with our specialist Technology teacher. Students who are interested also have the opportunity to engage in extra-curricular activities, challenges and competitions related to Technology.
Kindergarten to Grade 6 classes participate in Health and Physical Education lessons with our specialist HPE teacher. In addition, students regularly take part in organised daily physical education/perceptual motor activities. As part of the HPE curriculum students partake in an Athletics Carnival and Cross Country.
Each year students also partake in swimming and water safety awareness programs from Prep to Grade 6. The costs for swimming are included in student levies.